, pub-4501674578558595, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Istanbul Airport FareTaximeter : frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

 When did the taxi arrive in Turkey?

Taxi business emerged in the 1970s due to the high demand for the dolmuş system, which started in the 1930s. Taximeter was not used in the first period of taxi driving, which provides more comfortable travel compared to the minibus.

How many taxis are there in Turkey?

Since no statistical research has been conducted on the number of taxis so far, the number of taxis in the country is around 75,000, according to the data of the Istanbul Chamber of Taxi Shopkeepers, 17942 in Istanbul, 7701 in Ankara, and 2823 in Izmir (Istanbul Chamber of Taxi Shopkeepers, 2018).

Why are taxis yellow?

Yellow is one of the brightest colors. Screams for attention; Therefore, yellow color is preferred in warning lights. Also, taxis in the world are yellow because of their attractiveness. The dominant colors of autumn, yellow and yellow-orange, have a strong appeal that captures our emotions.

Is Uber taxi illegal?

Uber's activities were suspended in 2019 on the grounds that it caused unfair competition in Turkey. Uber, which has terminated its UberXL service, has announced that as of today, it will offer service with minibuses in Istanbul.

What does black taxi mean?

Premium vehicles with high-end luxury. Black Taxis, with a capacity of up to 8 passengers and a larger seating area, offer extra comfort for families, groups of friends or airport journeys with luggage.


Taxi opening fee from 19.17 lira to 24.55 lira Price per kilometer from 12.89 lira to 17.61 lira Short distance (hop-on-hop-off) fare was in...